Carterville Chamber of Commerce

Carterville, Illinois, is located on Route 13 between Marion and Carbondale. Its close proximity to these growing communities allows for a small town atmosphere with larger city conveniences. Carterville is a wonderful place to live and work!

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SI Storage

Carterville Chamnber Spotlight Business of the Week: SI Storage.
This week’s Spotlight of the Week is Carterville S.I Storage. Owned by Charlie and Linda Hogg, Carterville S.I. Storage features 24 hour access, all blacktop roads, 26 different sizes with easy access, all at affordable rates starting at $14.00/month. The Hogg’s say that they like being involved in the Carterville small business community and that doing business in downtown Carterville is safe and secure. Carterville S.I. Storage is a proud supporter of the annual Christmas in Carterville event. Call 618-985-3049 today to get your spot today!
